IL +972 50 446 9515


Where do you start?
How does it work?
What is involved?
You are here because you are interested in buying a property.
Perhaps there is something in particular you have seen and that you want, we will help you with that of course.
By sending us an enquiry, with the particular property in question indicated, we will contact you and start the process.
But perhaps you are looking for some information, some guidance and advice...
Our first job, is to understand what you want...
We ask the right questions, and aim to understand fully what your requirements are.
We manage expectations, by starting with your wish list, and then by giving you actual examples of what you
can and can’t get in your particular area, price range, timing, and a whole host of other aspects that with our
leading questions we will get you to think about. -
We establish your key criteria
We give you an idea of your expected ‘real costs’…all those extra things that you very possibly don’t yet
know about.
Our third, is to turn the dream into reality...
Once we have sourced something applicable for you, we will start the real process.
We help you source mortgage consultants, lawyers, engineers (yes engineers!) and any and all others.
We work with a panel of well-known financial companies that manage international funds transfer and we can
help you through this process. -
We start negotiations (sometimes you can negotiate, sometimes you can’t…we know when we can).
Make an offer.
Once offer is accepted, there is a whole process that begins at this point, which we guide you through
and facilitate.
Our second job is to find it...
We explain at this point how WE work. What we can offer you, supplying you with a menu of options. At this point, you may want to go through our Welcome letter and buyers’ approval form.
We supply you with some options that fit your criteria.
We may have ready-made selections for you on our books, but most often, our modus operandi is to
search for a match to your wish list. -
We will work with all other agents to source you what
you want, Read more about this under the section titled
‘HOW THINGS WORK IN ISRAEL’ . In short, this means no limitations on what is available.
Our fourth, if you choose, is to help you manage all aspects of it even once bought...
This is our Property Management division, which is mostly applicable for new projects, but also applies for
people renting out 2nd properties too. -
On projects, we can help you right up until key handover and beyond if you wish. Contact us to find out more information on what is included in our property management services.

2nd hand properties
In Israel, we talk about 2nd hand properties. This is because there are so many projects being built all over, and in Property sales, it has become standard for people to ask if you are looking for 2nd hand or new.
Properties being advertised
Have you ever noticed that Property websites do not always appear to be updated?
There are either few options presented where you are looking, OR when you call, you are told that the apartment in question is no longer available
There is a reason for this
The market over the past few years has quite literally gone insane
It is true that there is availability, but things go so fast, that it is impossible to keep updating
The minute something nice comes onto the market, at a semi decent price, it is snatched up
What to look for in an agent
Trust and Integrity first above all
Experience, professionalism and knowledge
Networking reach
Flexibility, adaptability and reach. You don’t want to be limited to area, price range, or one agent.
Agents that work with other agents.
Did you know, that we are able to sell absolutely anything in Israel, with no limitations? For you, this means we can find you anything, even if it is not ‘ours’. You are not limited to what we have on our books.
You are limited only in the service you get from your chosen agent, and the effort they are willing to put in on your behalf. So you need to choose your Agent very carefully.
What does this mean effectively?
It means, that if you are a real buyer, and you are committed, we are even more committed to finding you the right thing, even if it takes a little time.
Not all agencies do this, but a lot do. We are specifically BUYERS AGENTS, and we make it our business to network with the top agents in our core areas. We are not greedy, and we want your business, so we have your best interests at heart.
Service delivery is our core function. We work with complete integrity and confidentiality, and pride ourselves on treating others as we would like to be treated. We are highly experienced and focused on what we do and our mission is to assist our clients with all aspects of their property requirements.
We have a team of dedicated like-minded individuals who share our vision and mission to deliver excellent services creating lifelong relationships and allow our clients to prosper through their dealings with us.
Through property we are able to assist, and help you realize your goals and dreams of owning a home or property in Israel, and earn a return on your investment,
We have a proven track record, over many years with countless satisfied clients. We are able to offer and
provide you with all that you need and want with regard to your real estate services.
Offering extraordinary service and extraordinary trust