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Ramat Beit Shemesh Daled  
Emplacement : ISRAEL  (NP-RBSD13)

Aerial photo of Ramat Beit Shemesh

A comprehensive and holistic solution for all the needs of the home and family. It offers an extraordinary quality of living so that your future and your community will be nothing less than perfect.

You will find over 1,000 well-planned and designed housing units, parks and playgrounds that include accessible passages to all parts of the residential complexes, excellent schools, wonderful kindergartens, magnificent shuls and betei midrash, modern mikvahs, thousands of square meters of commercial and employment zones and well developed public transportation that will take you anywhere and back.


Far from the rush and bustle of the city, opposite a green forested landscape, you will enjoy vibrant and enriched communal living thanks to a diverse and high-quality community fabric that constitutes a healthy environment in which to raise your family.

The residential complexes and public structures are built to particularly high quality with a commitment to the strictest regulatory standards and a long-term vision that makes smart use of the region’s characteristics.

Available Now - Hurry units are selling.


For available options, sizes, prices please CONTACT US for information.

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