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Claiming Your Stake

For the first time in Israel’s history, Jews wanting to come to Israel, whether for the chagim, a wedding, to visit the children or even just a holiday, have found the borders closed, as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic.

This is a shocking state of affairs. Israel is seen by many Jews to be their second home. To be closed out was uncomfortable - perhaps a foreboding that when the time comes, Israel will not be able to be our Plan B.

Ok, I admit it. I think Israel should be our Plan A, but regardless, I don't think Israel will ever cease to be a refuge for any Jew that needs it. Nevertheless, perhaps its an awakening that Jews need to make a greater commitment to Israel today - to claim their stake in it.

We're here to help you claim that stake.

Whether it's just a strip of land, a small apartment, a luxury house or a condominium, we're here to help you find what you want.

Don't wait. Start the process now and contact us today.

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